Saturday, May 5, 2012

Final and Project COMPLETE

This last project really did challenge me, I had to take a few varied approaches to this problem. The tutorial on page 507 really helped me out as none of the other assignments involved reading a delimited text file. The tutorial is also fairly similar except you want to populate a list box then display all pertinent information. Good Luck all. If any troubles I can sort of help after work in a few hours.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

A bit puzzled

Ok I got my program to get the end result the same as the text file. However, I think I might have done something wrong since I didn't use a class unless the 2nd form counts as a class. I think mostly its cause I use 95 lines of code total in the MainForm to finish a final project which seems a bit low for me. Part of me wants to turn this in and get studying for the final the other part thinks something is wrong having too few lines and possibly excluding a class from the answer. Maybe I am just not quite understanding what exactly a class is and have the correct solution. Regardless, I am going to take a break from programming for today to start studying for other classes. Later in the week I may revisit the code but for now I am partially content that it does display the name, email, and phone number.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Chapter 9 Homework done!

Finished with Chapter 9, the dorm and meal calculator was the tougher of the two not due to the coding but other reasons. I knew the code was working but had trouble changing the label in the second form til I realized that it needed to have its modifier set to public. After that it was smooth sailing. I looked over the Final Project, I think it will be a challenge combining many different aspects from former chapters. I will try to get an early start on it so that other finals can get the attention they deserve. Good luck everyone.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Chapter 9 Classes and Multiform Projects

Now that its nearing the end and most basic skills have been acquired. I look forward to the challenges that come ahead. Chapter 9 kind of reviewed the basics of the class being the "blueprint" of the code. The hesitation I will prolly have is getting used to using multiform objects and keeping them clutter free. The dorm and car class problems will have to wait till monday as I am finishing up other projects but I do look forward to the new challenge. The Slot Machine was my favorite assignment in any programming class.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

One down, tough one to go

After doing some more array practice from the book, I was able to finish the Drink Machine fairly quick and this time the code doesn't look massive. I probably should have done more than just set up the front face for the problems as now it seems the code seems to be a bit tougher to grasp. I am starting to like the arrays although still do not quite feel comfortable with using them. The arrays do save time and I hope to finish the Slot Machine problem sometime later tonight or after work tomorrow.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Drink and Slot Machines

Arrays are still something I do not quite like but will have to eventually get them to work. So far the layout for both has been setup but that is the easy part, the tough part is going to be getting the arrays to work with the given questions. The random number part will be easy, the lottery practice solution helped out a lot with grasping some of the array storage of random numbers. This week should be a challenge.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Clear thoughts and finished programs

After starting over from scratch I decided to give the two programs another attempt. I did find a flaw with the tic tac toe simulator. If it is all random numbers then there is a chance that X or O can move in a disproportionate amount of times in respects to each other. By default there are 8 possible ways to win for either X or O. However, in the program both could possibly win with two horizontal wins or two vertical wins. Also the program will pick X as the winner in the event that there are two winners. Although the name search just took some getting used to utilizing the Binary Search method, I found the tic tac toe simulator to be a challenge that was fun. I look forward to the coming weeks and increasing my knowledge on C# programming. Good luck everyone.